
The Friends of Ellisville Marsh, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, non-profit corporation created under Chapter 180 of the Massachusetts General Laws in July, 2007.

Ellisville Marsh
5 May 2022


The stated purpose of the Friends of Ellisville Marsh, Inc. is to engage in the following activities:

  • Restore, preserve and maintain the Ellisville Marsh ecosystem.
  • Organize volunteer and consulting support for monitoring and scientific research studies.
  • Undertake fundraising for the benefit of the Ellisville Marsh ecosystem.
  • Hold regulatory permits for, and supervise maintenance of, the Ellisville Marsh channel, in compliance with all applicable regulatory requirements and permitting conditions.
  • Facilitate discussions between the owner of the Shifting Lots preserve, other related parties and various Federal, State, and local regulatory agencies and prepare grant applications for scientific studies of the Ellisville Marsh ecosystem.
  • Educate and inform parties about the unique characteristics and requirements for sustainability of the Ellisville Marsh ecosystem.

Friends Brochure


The current board of directors consists of president Eric Cody, Annette Leckie, Susan Pleadwell, Jack Scambos, Diane Fletcher, Ellen Russell, Adela Hruby, Paula Marcoux, Linda Frascarella. Several of our current and former board members spent their childhoods in Ellisville, giving the Friends an invaluable historical perspective on the life of the marsh and barrier beach.

Contact Us

To contact the board of directors, please send an email to [email protected].

Our mailing address is:

Friends of Ellisville Marsh, Inc.
P.O. Box 1728
Sagamore Beach, MA 02562